All in One English Grammar Practice Exercises for Competitive Examinations

By: Shipan Das

Price: 262 INR

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ISBN 9788195707454
Bind Paperback
Pages 262
Publisher Flying Hands Publications
Book Type

Grammar Book


Competitive Examinations

Table of Contents

Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Determiner, Article, Verb, Modals, Tense, Subject-Verb Agreement, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Question Tag, Voice change, Narration, Redundancy, Error Identification (Previous Years), Sentence Improvement (Previous Years), Cloze Test, Para Jumble, Phrase Replacement, Selecting Correct Sentence, Sentence Completion, Paragraph Completion, Synonym, Antonym, Phrasal Verb, Idiom, One Word Substitution, Paronym & Homonym

This practice grammar book is written for the aspirants of competitive examinations. All types of questions are covered with answers. Previous year questions are also covered with answers and complete explanations. It also covers vocabulary section. This is the must-have practice grammar book for all types of competitive examinations.